My beloved son

One day everything is fine and the next day your most loved one isn’t in this world anymore, how do I cope with this?
Life’s not fair, not everyone sees the battles.son funeral
My only son, my only child , my only love, what went wrong my dear?
Why did you take such a step?
I’m not accusing you nor telling you I don’t like you for what you did.
But I just want to tell you that, I love you and I miss you very much.
I feel like a part of me has suddenly died, suddenly dusted away.
I feel so empty. So lost.
So many questions are whirling in my mind. You seemed so happy, I guess I just failed to truly understand you, understand what you are going through.
But son, I wish you could just talk to me about it, just tell me what’s wrong. I would have done anything, everything to just have you alive and happy.
My whole world is just falling apart right now and nothing seems right and everything so blur.
Everyone’s consoling me, saying that it’s gonna be okay, but what’s okay if you are never gonna be with me anymore and never coming back? I’m so deeply hurt, time has stopped for me. But how I wish I could just go back in time and change a few things.
Your father and I love you so very
Much, and this one question is still killing me,inside out, why just why did you hang yourself?
Son, you hung your love for us.
And all I can say now is rest in peace and kiss you goodbye.
You not just reckoned your life and ours too with this one step, but son all our lives are already reckoned in this world in some bits or many more. Don’t worry son, no one has the right to blame you,Absolutely no one. I can’t believe people are saying it’s a shame and were not even willing to come to your funeral. How miserable this world is, No wonder many others have nobody to talk to too, it’s because of this narrow mindedness.
Son, I know it wasn’t your fault, there were just some things unsaid and undone and no matter what son, we will love you, we will always love you for what you were, a wonderful person, a wonderful son. And son, it isn’t a shame that you committed suicide, but it’s a shame that they didn’t attend a funeral of such a beautiful soul.
Now as they bury you in the grave, there are tears gushing out of my eyes, tears in everyone’s eyes. The Angels will guide you now, all that remains with us is our memories, the memories which will last forever. Like how you took your first step to walk, how you made us proud, brought smiles and laughter in our lives, how humble and down to earth you were, and how much you always loved us that you never failed to give us your time.
Holding on to these memories forever, here I kiss you saying goodbye.

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