Life is beautiful, in this category of Wordanova, we intend to inspire you with our writing to see how beautiful life really is.


The famous proverb –When life gives you lemons, make lemonade inspires us to have a positive outlook in life when we face difficulties and misfortunes. When life shoots you with hardships and problems, you can always turn it around. Here is a magic recipe to turn the sourness of the lemons into a refreshing lemonade. Just three easy steps: READ MORE


It’s human nature to want to be liked, accepted and loved.

But if you constantly struggle to say NO to others even when every fibre of your being wants to scream “NO I really don’t want to” you probably are a people pleaser. People pleasers need to be liked and accepted to an extent where they simply say YES to everything and end up doing too much for too many people. Most of the times, they know deep down that they are being taken advantage of but they avoid any kind of confrontation. READ MORE