As another year comes to an end . We can’t help but look back at the year gone by .
For some this year could have been the best year .You reached your goals , met someone new , got a promotion , had a baby. Those special years where everything turns in your favor and everything works out just fine.
For some this could have been a tough year .A year of change . A year of delay . Simply a silent year . Maybe a year of unbecoming .

Unbecoming the labels that were put on you that you believed were true .
Unbecoming the insecurities you had.
Unbecoming the need to please the world.
Unbecoming the negative mindset.
Unbecoming everything that you thought you could be to find the true you .


That’s what some years are for .
Some years just push you to find yourself . To reinvent yourself in ways that you though weren’t possible. It tests you , turns you around and brings out the best version of you .

As much as you want to breathe a sigh of relief and get on with the next year , just look deeper and you will find something to be thankful for. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad year after all. Every experience teaches us valuable lessons and prepares us for the future .
Maybe this year gave you a new dream, or you let go of some bad habits or addictions , or you learnt to love yourself more. This year may not have given you any major achievement to look back on but you may have just made small changes that has made you a better and happier person.

Some years are not to become.
It’s to un-become and become the real you. Without the filters and labels . Just the best version of you .

Thank you 2018 for everything ❤️

Welcome 2019 !!

Follow lifeisbeautiful_sha on instagram for positive quotes and affirmations.

Sharon Lobo 


Life is Beautiful


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