womens day

Women’s day is just 2 days away and we got no 🌶!!!
Get a chance to feature on our Website and other social media platforms and win a sweet little goodie box, specially put together to pamper you cuz you deserve it all, gurlll 💕
Here’s what you have to do,
Tell us what it’s like being a woman, It could be a poem, an article, a snippet or an experience. All that matters is your opinion!

Contest rules :

  1. Follow @wordanova and Subscribe to our website!

2. Send in your entries using the form below.

Spread the word🕊
The winner will be announced on March 8th!


Happy Women’s day to all the beautiful women out there. You all are wonderful. The winner of the women’s day contest 2019 is Amreen Ahmed. Congratulations to you ❤️

Here’s her entry!

If there’s something as graceful yet equally enduring, then it is the power of being a woman.

Yes, I call the phenomena of being a woman, as powerful. It is this faith of mine that has gifted me the agility to rise above with each passing day.

The strength of spirit, the sense of being high spirited, the dreams of changing the universe. Are nothing, but the fruit of my conviction. The feeling, that I am worthwhile, self-reliant and every minute thing, which leads me towards joining the humongous race of the ‘humankind,’ and not merely subjected to a specific gender.

‘I,’ is not alone myself. I is you, the one next to you, right behind you, in front of you, to your left, and likewise, constitute each one of us. From a newborn baby to a woman of experience. It is ‘us.’

Where do I draw my strength from? My constant, my beloved, my Mother. My Leaning Tower of Origin, My Mother! If I know of an amalgamation of grace and assertiveness. It is she, my Mother! The epitome of tenderness and yet an indomitable spirit.

Here’s wishing each one of ‘us,’ a very Happy Women’s Day!’ Live it, make it, break it, but make sure, you weave your shattered pieces into the beads of perseverance. 

P.S. A huge thank you to all the men in our lives for your support and faith in the goodness of womanhood 🙂


Missed to follow us on other social handles too? Here are our social handles, hurry up and follow us right away.

Instagram Facebook 

May your day be filled with good thoughts, kind people and happy moments. 

READ: https://wordanova.com/the-heart-talks/

Categories: Cause

1 Comment

Women’s Day contest – DavidsBoswell · March 8, 2019 at 4:51 pm

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