Bharath is known for it’s diversity and its uniqueness. In the previous episode, we read about how important it is for us to know about our country. So here’s our first quiz to help you branch out and get to know your country better.

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-Shabaz Khan

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The Supreme Court of India has retained its stance on the Capital Punishment awarded to the convicts of the heinous Nirbhaya case even in the Curative Petition filed by them. One of the convicts has filed for mercy stating that he is the sole bread earner of his family. In this article, we will understand the procedure of a Mercy plea & the debates surrounding Capital Punishment worldwide.

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We, as citizens of India must stand by the principles and procedures established by the Constitution as it is a product of year-long efforts and contributions by one of the most eminent minds of that time. We must not take the freedom of expression given to us for granted and impose”googled”, “whatsapped” opinions on others. Things like suspicious encounter of Hyderabad which was applauded by the “Netizens” haunts the very existence of justice in India.

-Shabaz Khan

Also, let us know if you want us to write on any particular topic. You may tell us the topic through the comments below.

1 Comment

Rahul Kumar · September 2, 2019 at 2:11 am

Good to know all these stuff!!!

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