Mera Bharath Mahan

When the lawmakers of the country added the phrases “To cherish the noble ideas of national struggle for independence”, “To strive towards excellence in all spheres”, “To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture” in the constitution as the fundamental duties of every citizen of this country, they had envisaged the dearth of these values in the upcoming generations. Today, as almost all of the sane countries of the world are admiring the incredibility of our country, there prevails a void in the mindset of the citizens of the curiosity of learning about our country. We disregard the necessity of it as we ( the present generation) have been granted the privilege of living freely in this country and we did not have to pay anything for it. In the words of our late PM Vajpayee ji “TUM KYA JANO AAZADI KYA HOTA HAI, TUMHE MUFTI MEI MILI NA KEEMAT GAYI CHUKAI” justifies it.

We, in the course of hustling towards familiarizing and adapting ourselves to the foreign culture, have somewhere overlooked the knowledge imparted to us in the schooling. We maligned the humanities subject and subsided them over the logical ones without realizing the significance of studying those.

For instance, we always questioned the necessity of learning about lives of Kings who had ruled our country centuries before in history. The reason was that we get only one life to live and everything cannot be experimented. Hence learning about wise work and mistakes of the past people will help us to shape a better future for ourselves. Solution to all modern problems can be drawn from the interpretation of our country’s history.

We come across people who have no knowledge about the electoral process, constitutional provisions or political dynamics. I’ve myself seen people blame the central government because there was scarcity of water in their homes (PS: Water is a state government issue). We need to possess some basic knowledge regarding all of these and hence Wordanova is starting this segment called ” for you to know your country better.

In this world of whatsapp university facts, it’s time to go back to school and bring rationality in our thoughts.

– Shabaz Khan

And that is why we introduce to you a new category on Wordanova called ‘Mera Bharath Mahan’

We will be posting one post under ‘Mera Bharath Mahan’ every month. To stay updated, subscribe below and also like our Facebook page- WORDANOVA

Happy 73rd Independece Day!


Categories: Mera Bharath mahan


Mirza · August 15, 2019 at 9:13 am

Very well comprehended, looking forward to updates!

Mera Bharat Mahan - Episode 2 – Wordanova · September 1, 2019 at 7:46 am

[…] is known for it’s diversity and its uniqueness. In the previous episode, we read about how important it is for us to know about our country. So here’s our first quiz […]

Mera Bharath Mahan - Episode 2 – Wordanova · September 22, 2019 at 9:20 am

[…] is known for it’s diversity and its uniqueness. In the previous episode, we read about how important it is for us to know about our country. So here’s our first quiz […]

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