Inventions which troll the world – Hilarious Inventions

Mankind is funny in its own unique way. It creates things beyond the wildest imagination. Things which earlier couldn’t even be thought off are now so famous that people just can’t seem to survive without them. Here is the most hilarious inventions list.

hilarious inventions

  • Flask Tie

Maybe it’s too difficult for working people to carry a bottle of water alongside? A multitasking neckcessory, helping you pipe down water through the tie only.

To avoid the spill issues, the drinking spout has a self-sealing valve helping you to drop the water only when you need it to.

But making it a hot coffee carrier, NO!

  • Hairy Stockings

hilarious inventions

Keep away the perverts! Of course, a Chinese invention.

Forget your regular leg hair, this new hot and trending legging have created a buzz all over. Girls can obviously keep themselves safe.

But even for the sake of safety, instead of learning to defend oneself, would the girls prefer to carry it?

  • Ping Pong Door

hilarious inventions

You want to close the door, slam it! You want to play ping pong, fold it down.

This dual style invention is every player’s chance of peace.

Specially those living alone or with friends.

Buy 1, get two things instead!

You neither need to adjust your furniture to add the ping pong table nor you have to go to the basement to play.

From one side, it looks like a normal door which a lock and a handle. Except it is bright green,

has a stripe down in the middle of it having a net attached to it across the door. When you swivel it down, it’s a fun table!

  • Baby Mop

hilarious inventions

Now your kid will help you clean the house from the moment it’s born! With zero effort, your house will be moped, that too, in no time.

Something which started as a joke, as a courtesy of Japanese spoofs showing baby outfits with an attached mop underneath is unconventionally a hit.

Now teach your baby how to crawl with a benefit!

  • Hug Me Pillow

hilarious inventions

A comforter for any lonely person out there. This pillow gives you love and satisfaction. Made ideally keeping in mind women, this pillow has a chest and an arm to hold. It makes a woman feel someone is there to hold her. Making women sound too needy? This is why it’s added in the list of weirdness.  In addition to hugs, it snores and occasionally emits flatulence. Need men? Not after this I guess!

  • Ironius – Coffee Mug iron

hilarious inventions

Woke up late and cranky? Have to get ready for office and need to iron clothes? When the world seems to come crashing down, all you need is a coffee mug iron. Drink your coffee while ironing the dress! This interesting piece takes the help of warmth of the coffee to removes shirt’s creases. Be ready on time!

  • Toilet Golf

hilarious inventions

Bored while sitting on the seat? Well play golf then! This mini golf kit is something many of the people would enjoy. Nobody wants to just sit and take a poop, playing games is a necessity!

-Simran Sarin

These sure seem to be really funny inventions. Hope you liked our article on hilarious inventions. For more posts, click here


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