It’s time to take a chill pill.

Here are some of the things that will help you keep your body cool this summer!


Cool your body this summer
Photo by Foodie Factor from Pexels

Avocados have the highest amount of mono-saturated fatty acids, which helps remove heat and toxin from the blood. They are also loaded with fiber and anti-oxidants, these anti-oxidants help in protecting your eyes.

Avocados are digested easily, hence your body will not need to work extra hard and create more heat to digest the food.


Cool your body this summer
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Bananas help in lowering your body temperatures. This happens as your tissue shrink, allowing for the absorption of more water which cools your body.

Citrus Fruits

Cool your body this summer
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, grapefruits etc don’t just cool your body but are also enriched in phytonutrients that act as antioxidants. One more plus point is that citrus fruits help in digesting rich and fatty foods.


Cool your body this summer
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

According to Chinese medicine, berries are all very alkaline, which means that they generate cold energy in the body which helps you cool your body internally. Berries are also high in water, so they help thin the blood and release heat.


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Introducing to you, the ‘coolcumber’. Are you feeling that heat tornado around you? Maybe, it’s time for some coolcumber. Cucumber cools your core and also is good for your heart. It contains fiber, carbs, protein, vitamins C, K, and B, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc etc.


Photo by Rawpixel from Pexels

Watermelon, the word says it all. The higher the content of water in the food, more likely it is to reduce your body temperature and watermelon is loaded with water. Watermelon also has other benefits like lowering inflammation and oxidative stress.


Photo by RawPixel from Pexels

Mint is a cooling herb which has a component called menthol in it. This gives you a fresh feel and also helps in keeping your body cool. Mint also flushes out various toxins from your body. It’s time for a mojito, 😉


coconuts to keep you Cool this Summer
Photo by Lina Kivaka from Pexels

Coconuts are naturally filled with electrolytes which helps to stay hydrated and cool. The meat of coconuts are said to have healing properties, since they have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory impact on your body. Coconuts are also fibre rich, which means it helps prevent indigestion and acid reflux.

Poppy Seeds

Photo by Delphine Hourlay from Pexels

In foods, poppy seeds are used to make cakes, pastries, glaze, or porridge. It really helps in quenching thirst and keeping your body cool.


Yogurt is absolutely healthy and has a very high water content, So replace your icecreams with yogurt for a change this summer.


Photo by Food Photographer | Jennifer Pallian on Unsplash

This icy treat will simultaneously cool you down as you enjoy the icy flavours. Afterall, who could say ‘no’ to a popsicle, right?

Other food items which cool your body are peaches, melons, cilantro, spicy peppers, chillies etc.

These are the things that will help you cool your body this summer.

Let’s all stay cool this summer, or shall I say, it’s time to get cooler 😉

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Categories: Health

1 Comment

John Gatesby · December 5, 2022 at 9:41 am

Of these watermelon and cucumber are my favorites. Both of these are extremely delicious, filling and helpful with my weight loss goals.
John Gatesby recently posted…Autonomic Nervous System and EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)My Profile

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