Winter Summer
Hello there!
Firstly, so thankful to all my patient readers, you guys are just beautiful souls, keep me going from time to time and I love you guys!❤️
For those muddled with the title, Well it’s no secret that most places in India like Bangalore in the recent times have only come down to two weathers being summer all day long and barely winter when the night falls and when these two fail, there’s always rain!
Here’s an outfit I put together for your Summer-Winter kinda days, let’s jump into the details, shall we?!

Starting with the overalls, well this one’s a good one. So I was just browsing a few online websites, hoping to find overalls and quite frankly, they all seem to cost a little too much given that we’re talking about daily fashion here. So guess who comes to your rescue!?

All you’ll need is a Pallazo pant, four long cloth strips and sewing kit! I’m pretty sure we all have one that one Pallazo, the most comfortable one! Who says you can only pair it with a kurthi? Here’s what you have to do and I can guarantee you that it won’t take you more than a minute or two! Take one of the cloth strip and sew its end to one of the front corner. Repeat the same with the other three strips, along the remaining three corners of your pant. Once that is done, just tie up the strips together as I have and there you go! There’s your DIY overall! If you own a pair of suspenders, it’s all the way more easier for you as you can just attach it as and when you like to your pants.

As I’m mainly focussing on day-to-day fashion here, I paired this overall with a basic tank top. You could also pair this with bright tanks like red or yellow. Although black pretty much goes with everything from the lightest to the darkest shades. The same stands for the pallazos when you pair them with kurthis, go for colours like black or white which are easily paired with any coloured top wear.

Coming to accessories, like I always say, go crazy! It’s on you, what you like! Make sure you co-ordinate a little bit with the colours here and there so they don’t look completely foreign to your outfit. Like here, I wore the tassels that have a blue that goes with my neckpiece.
Get the look @
Pallazo pants :
Tank top :
Neckpiece :
Earings : @wordanova
Finger rings :
Bag :
Also, a special note on the earings-you can place orders for tassel earings of your choice and colour on our official website Instagram page @wordanova.

So what’re you waiting for, go recreate this look and be the GIRL NEXT DOOR…
-Hina Valida Mathias

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Categories: Fashion


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